Blog Posts


How to create an Effective Customer Portal | Innovatia Blog

Technical documentation belongs on the web. Unless your product is top secret or your customers...

Training New Hires: Less is More

Whether you’re just starting out or are a senior director at a Fortune 500 company, every job...

Top 5 Tips for Using Screenshots in Learning Content

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? This couldn’t be more true when it comes to learning....

To measure or not to measure

Peter Drucker said, “What gets measured gets managed”.

The Power of Metadata: How to Improve Findability

Imagine walking into a library and finding books with no titles or apparent organization. Or a...

Is Topic-Based Authoring Still the Future for Technical Writing?

As technology continues to evolve, demand increases for written content to adapt for delivery...

The Door Marked “Enter”: Transitioning from Manuals to Web Content

From Manuals to Articles

So you’re moving from delivering book-based content to web-friendly...

The Decline of the Manual

The disappearance of the manual-as-book coincides, moreover, with documented realities about how...

The Impact Technical Writers Can Have on User experience | Blog

An organization understands that Technical Writers are skilled in delivering quality documents for...